Tuesday, 5 November 2013

I'm a Bird in an Aeroplane

How have you been? I've been well, I suppose. I have had to quit my internship at a vintage store (some of you who read my old blog may be aware that I had an internship working at Bobby From Boston) because of insane amounts of work, which I try to balance with having somewhat of a social life. While the fact that I have been insanely busy with school would generally mean that I had less time to get dressed but for some reason I have been experimenting despite my work load... I suppose it is because I have not had much time to do much else creative so dressing kind of has become my oasis. It's funny but it seems to me my interest in fashion fluctuates not necessarily in relation to anything else in my life. Well that is not entirely correct, the way I dress tends to indirectly reflect how I am feeling. Black, white and red has been my motif of late. Black and white I think have to do with my continuous switches between extreme happiness and sunkeness. Red channeling Lady Vengeance. Anyways that was just a little ramble explaining my current fashion feelings. I'm sorry if it was not particularly interesting. 

I am wearing a 1960s mens' button down under a 1960s sheer slip and a wedding veil from the 1980s. This veil was really quite annoying to wear. It kept slipping in my hair as my hair is not long enough to really hold it in place and because it is so long I had to tie in into knots on top of my head. But overall I was quite pleased with this outfit.


1 comment:

  1. hey! nice to see u again! i like ur new outfits! especially the comme des garcons inspired skirt! and the dress and veil here look great too!
