Saturday 16 November 2013

The clock has 3 hands

How are you? I'm well... happy, I suppose. I have been dressing more "avant garde"-ly recently, which is good. I guess. What I mean is by doing this I have to force myself to do something at least mildly productive everyday. When I don't dress like this I feel like I have betrayed myself and my mission (?) somewhat. This may not be the most healthy way to view getting dressed but it does mean that I have a constant in my life. That being clothes and experimenting with them.
Anyways moving on from the obligatory Charlotte Musings...

So for this outfit I wore an old coat my mom made in the 1990's that was never finished so the arm hole on the left side was not totally sewn closed. I stuck my real arm through the hole in the arm hole and pinned the sleeve and a white glove up on to my right shoulder creating a "third arm"(?).

Also did you notice my sick new glasses? I am, like, super thrilled with them! I really, really, really am going to try not to lose them (good luck with that)...

Anyways I hope y'all are doin' well!



  1. I need to remember to breathe whenever I visit your blog as I usually find myself hyperventilating over your incredible talent. You are an artist. A mentor to all. xoxoxo

  2. wow awesome! i love the third arm and stuff!
